Observe Branding's profile

Ekko Partners Branding


Ekko Partners was born from the restless minds of two veteran C-Levels unhappy with the vices and limitations of traditional business consultancies. 
Business dynamics have evolved, and the slow, inflated and costly model of old consultancies no longer makes sense for clients looking for agility and a truly senior team to conduct projects.

This process of evolution is natural. The world is changing very fast. Each time faster.
And even with so many changes, one thing remains the same: good business creates good stories.

From this starting point we developed the positioning, naming and universe of expression of Ekko Partners. A brand that was born aware of its questioning role and that dialogues with its audiences, breaking the ice and formality of a tired market.



Ekko Partners nasce da mente inquieta de dois C-Levels veteranos inconformados com os vícios e limitações das consultorias tradicionais de negócio. As dinâmicas empresariais evoluiram, e o modelo lento, inflado e custoso de consultorias antigas deixou de fazer sentido para clientes que buscam agilidade e um time realmente sênior na condução dos projetos.

Este processo de evolução é natural. O mundo está mudando muito rápido. Cada vez mais rápido. 
E mesmo com tantas mudanças, uma coisa permance igual: bons negócios criam boas histórias.

Deste ponto de partida desenvolvemos o posicionamento, naming e universo de expressão da Ekko Partners. Uma marca que nasce consciente de seu papel questionador e que dialoga com seus públicos quebrando o gelo e formalidade de um mercado tão cansado.

Gustavo Arbulu
Mariana Aqqad
Isa Ribeiro
Gabriel Weiss

Bravely curious.
Gently furious.

Observe Branding brings a fresh approach to brand building. We believe that a brand is only trully strong when it boosts the competitive edge of a company. There’s a sweet spot where brave strategies meets the brutally elegant expression. Our daily challenge is to take our clientes to this place. We do this with passion, metodology and a talented team.

We’re based in São Paulo, working globally across multiple industries for different companies size.

Drop us a line. Let’s make it happen.

Ekko Partners Branding

Ekko Partners Branding

Branding project developed for Ekko Partners, a global transformation consultancy.
